Want to become a Nail Art Expert? Start Today

Unlock your creative potential and transform your passion for nail art into a thriving career. Join us and begin your journey to becoming a top nail artist today.

<span>Want to become a Nail Art Expert?</span> Start Today


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Better Learning, Beautiful Future Start with School of Nails

Unlock your creative potential and transform your passion for nail art into a thriving career. Join us and begin your journey to becoming a top nail artist today.

  • 100+ Active student
  • Earn Upto 70K+

Quality Education

Receive top-tier training in nail art with our comprehensive and innovative programs.

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Experienced Teachers

Learn from industry leaders who are passionate about helping you succeed.

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State-of-the-Art Facilities

Train with the latest tools and products in our modern, fully-equipped studios.

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At School of Nails, we believe nails are the ultimate fashion accessory. When your nails look good, you feel good. Our WHITEPUNKT, guides our commitment to providing personalized service and exceptional nail art education, offering a level of care not found in most nail salons.

Our Mission

To provide exceptional nail art education, creativity and skill development in a supportive environment.

Our Vision

To be the leading academy in nail artistry, inspiring innovation and setting trends in the beauty industry.

Best Online Nail Art Learning Platform

One Platform, Endless Creativity Courses For You

From foundational techniques to advanced designs, master the art of nails with our comprehensive courses.

  • 9/10 Average Satisfaction Rate
  • 96% Completion Rate
  • Friendly Environment & Expert Teachers
Best Online Nail Art Learning Platform

Some Fun Fact

Our Great Achievement


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Academic Programs


Winning Award


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